It gives me great pleasure in releasing 5th edition of our special supplement titled "Maa Tujhe Salaam" to mark India's Republic Day.
We are very excited to have finally launched our new IIK look after a lot of development! A few of our goals with the new look were to make it faster, easier to navigate for the users, and easier for us to manage/update.
We tried our best to provide our readers with all the possible facilities they wish. Our free classifieds section and IIK-Uniik biz directory helped many of our readers to use various services at its best. Our Discussion forum has helped many to clarify all sorts of issues pertaining to their life in Kuwait. Our Young Reporter platform for the Indian students is well received by the community and benefitted the student's community. We assure you that the journey will continue many more years and we all will be together forever.
This supplement is a tribute to our Leaders & Freedom Fighters. Our aim is to enlighten, educate and inform our readers regarding Republic day. Supplement contains valuable articles and information about India's development and economic progress along with general topic about India's Republic Day written by well-known Indian personalities living in Kuwait, Students from various Indian schools in Kuwait and also contain contributions from readers and organizations.
I was overwhelmed by the response that we received from the students, personalities, Young Reporters & contributors in making this supplement possible.
I take this opportunity to thank His Excellency Mr. Sunil Jain (Ambassador of India, Kuwait) for all the support and encouragement which he has extended to the Indian community in Kuwait.
We are equally grateful to our advertisers for their immense support. Kudos to the IIK team for working diligently and getting this supplement out on time. My sincere thanks to Mr Surya Prakash for his stupendous support and also thank all the writers who contributed their articles for this supplement. A special thanks to our marketing associates M/s Lemonade International whose support to IIK is invaluable.
I want to thank all the contributors from the bottom of my heart. This supplement would naturally be nothing without the effort that many people make to gather information, stories and pictures. An extra effort was made, and I can't say how much I appreciate this. This supplement has been a pleasure to put together, and that is purely thanks to you all!
Read the IIK Special Republic Day Supplement here
Jai Hind!!
Sunoj Nambiar