Out of the 116 people expected to arrive in India from the Ebola-affected Liberia, 79 landed on early Tuesday morning. Sixty six of them landed in Mumbai from two different flights and the rest-13- arrived at Delhi?s Indira Gandhi International Airport at around 7.30am.
According to the official release issued by the Union health ministry, none of the passengers were isolated. However, the health secretary Lov Verma told HT that six of the persons had seemed a bit doubtful initially.
?I was told six are under observation as they were suspected to have fever, but they perhaps were released later when crosschecked,? he said.
International SOS (ISOS) Organization brought back 116 persons working with an infrastructure firm, Afcons, in Liberia, out of which 112 were Indian Nationals and four people belonged to Nepal.
Senior officers of the health ministry were pre-positioned at Mumbai and Delhi airports to monitor the screening of these passengers about whose arrival the ministry of external affairs had alerted them a few days ago.
All the persons have been screened and found healthy. No passenger has been isolated.
India is screening passengers coming from the affected countries as precautionary measure. As per the guidelines, the high risk category: those with symptoms are isolated at the airport; medium risk category: those giving history of contact with an Ebola case are prioritized for active surveillance and low risk category: those without symptoms and without any contact history are informed about helpline numbers to be contacted in case of they developing symptoms subsequently.
The state governments have been requested to do rigorous tracking and monitoring of these passengers. The concerned States have also been alerted for follow up of these passengers on a daily basis.
Though the International SOS has informed that these people have been screened at the time of exit from Liberia and none of the evacuees had any symptoms prior to travel.